Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Εθνολογίας - Greek Society for Ethnology


An Annual Electronic Journal

Published by the Greek Society for Ethnology


The rapid increase in websites and journals of an academic nature has encouraged the Committee of the Greek Society for Ethnology to create the electronic journal Ethnologhia On Line.

The electronic journal Ethnologhia On Line is an annual scholarly publication of the Greek Society for Ethnology, distinct from its annual printed journal Ethnologhia. Its aim is to stimulate and promote discourse in the disciplines of Anthropology and Ethnology with an emphasis on issues of theory and methodology, while also giving anthropologists and ethnologists a venue to present their work speedily.

On behalf of the Editorial Committee,

Dr Maria Koumarianou,

Guidelines concerning the submission of articles and evaluation procedures

Essays intended for publication should display a theoretical and methodological background and a broad perspective of their subject of research. In Ethnologhia On Line there is also space for articles dealing with theoretical and methodological issues regarding the disciplines of Anthropology and Ethnology themselves.

Essays submitted should be written in Greek, English or French and be accompanied by a summary of 250 words in one of the two other languages.

Essays intended for publication are to bear the signature of their authors, who are responsible for their content. Anonymous or pseudonym-bearing articles, book reviews or any other relevant texts will not be published.

Matters relating to the publication of the journal are decided by the Committee of the Greek Society for Ethnology, which selects the three Society members who make up the Editorial Committee (Please see also the regulations of the Society’s printed journal, Ethnologhia, in our website).

The publication procedure for essays submitted to the Editorial Committee is the following: The members of the Committee will read the essay submitted for publication and decide jointly, on the basis of purely scholarly criteria, whether or not the essay is to be published. If the Committee decline to publish the essay, it will be returned to its author with a written evaluation. The author can re-submit his work to the Editorial Committee of Ethnologhia On Line only after s/he has revised it in the light of the Committee’s advice. If the essay submitted is accepted by the Committee, but if the Committee offers comments and advice on, for example, bibliographic, methodological or linguistic matters, the author is invited to take them into account with a view to improving his/her work, but is under no obligation to follow them. The entire evaluation procedure leading to publication takes about two months.

Guidelines to Authors

Presentation of articles:

The length of articles submitted should not exceed 100,000 characters including the main text, footnotes and bibliography. Only articles not previously published are acceptable. Articles should be submitted in electronic form.

Photographic material :

Pictures or photographs should be submitted in digital form and should be of high resolution (300 dpi). The licence for using these pictures is the responsibility of the writer.

Bibliography and footnotes:

Articles should use the Harvard system or references inside the main text, as follows: (Alexakis 2000: 35).

Footnotes should be at the bottom of the page.

Bibliography should follow the examples provided below:

For books : Turner V., 1986, The Anthropology of performance, Paj Publications, New York.

For articles in journals : Rivers W.H.R, 1900, “A genealogical method of collecting social and vital statistics”, Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute 30:74.

For articles in collections or conference proceedings : Pitt-Rivers J., 1965, “Honour and social status”, J.G. Peristiany (ed.), Honour and shame. The values of Mediterranean society, Wiedenfeld and Nicolson, London, p. 21-75.

Articles submitted to the journal are the intellectual property of the writer. Translations or reprints of articles from Ethnologhia On Line should refer to the original publication.

Articles should be submitted by 31 October of each year to be considered for publication in the issue of Ethnologhia On Line of the same year.

Essays submitted for publication in the journal should be sent to:
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Two printed copies of the essay submitted for publication should also be sent to the following address:

Greek Society for Ethnology

Attn: Dr. Lefteris Alexakis

Eressou 43

10681 Athens


For further clarification please contact: Lefteris Alexakis, on +30 210 3819465, or Maria Koumarianou, on + 30 210 6446903.


